A Trip to Remember
The 2024 CIMUN conference was very successful and ultimately a fantastic experience for everyone involved in our high school’s MUN delegation. CIMUN was not just a trip to Chicago, but a combination of several days that taught us invaluable lessons regarding public speaking, problem-solving, writing abilities, and other crucial skills that we will take with us as we continue our high school career and beyond.

Nothing short of engaging, rigorous, and many times exhausting, CIMUN facilitated profound opportunities to debate a wide range of global issues, allowing us as high school students to take the role of a U.N. Ambassador, speak our voices, and engage with others to develop solutions and our leadership skills. Clearly, although many were tired, stressed, and sometimes overwhelmed by the long committee hours (we woke up around 8 a.m., started committee at 10 a.m., and debated the entire day with breaks for meals until 11 p.m.), our school and delegation came prepared.

Impressively, Mentor MUN took 27 delegates to CIMUN, with one-third of these delegations, 9 members, winning some sort of distinction. This is an amazing feat as any MUN event, but with CIMUN being an international conference, such an accomplishment is exceptional. For Delegate’s Choice, Nick Payne and Emily Sweigart were awarded with this distinction. For Outstanding Delegates, Ellen Freeman, Charles Partlow, Sarah Blakemore, and Ayesha Faruki can claim that distinction. Finally, Sonja Marich & Metodija Stojkoki, along with Reese Layton won an Honorable Mention. All students who participated in this conference should be proud of their performance and the impact they made. They should reflect on how this conference has impacted their skillsets in a tremendously positive way.
Instead of describing the incredible views we saw from the Hancock Building or the impressive shine of the Bean, it is best to use some illustrations to highlight our experiences around the city. Here are some pictures from our trip!
Left as closer friends and better people, we send our seniors off with an amazing last CIMUN as a delegate and leave our younger delegations ready to return to continue to experience the resplendent activities we embarked on in Chicago.
Overall, the CIMUN trip to Chicago was a tremendous combination of academic prowess, personal growth, and ultimately plain fun. Long but entertaining days and nights, yummy food, laughs, conversations, pictures, selfies, DoorDash, and of course diplomatic debate summarize the Mentor CIMUN trip in just a few words.