Introduction: Bad Bunny is a well-known reggaeton, trap, and pop artist from Puerto Rico who, since his beginnings in the mid-2010s, has continued to grow in fame and popularity. Through his rise, Bad Bunny is often credited with helping to bring the genres of reggaeton (a combination of reggae en español, hip-hop, and dancehall) and trap music to the mainstream. His rise in the U.S. also came about as part of the growing popularity of Latin American music in the U.S. during the latter half of the 2010s decade. The beginnings of Bad Bunny’s music career first arose when he began posting music to SoundCloud around 2016-17, where he was recognized by producers and managers. He continued to grow in popularity from there, and one of his most notable contributions around that time, which prominently exposed him to American audiences, was his feature on Cardi B’s “I Like It” in 2018. He released his debut album X 100PRE in that same year, which reached No. 1 on Billboard’s Latin Albums chart. In 2020, Bad Bunny released three albums, the latter of which, EL ÚLTIMO TOUR DEL MUNDO, became the first all-Spanish album to land the No. 1 spot on the Billboard Hot 100 chart. His 2022 release Un Verano Sin Ti (A Summer Without You), also reached the No. 1 spot (and I heard it everywhere when I visited Puerto Rico the summer of 2023, just to mention.) This was also the first Spanish-language album to be nominated for the Grammys’ Album of the Year. In 2023, he released Nadie Sabe Lo Que Va a Pasar Mañana (Nobody Knows What Will Happen Tomorrow), and on January 5th, 2025, he released his most recent album to date, DeBÍ TiRAR MáS FOToS, which may be the most important album of the year so far.

Production: The instrumentals on DeBÍ TiRAR MáS FOToS are primarily a tasteful mix of live instrumentation and synth-heavy pop/electronic reggaeton beats, and both styles of production are incorporated throughout the album. For example, more salsa-influenced tracks such as “BAILE INoLVIDABLE” and “CAFé CON RON” incorporate a variety of live instruments such as live drums, trumpets, and passionate background vocals, which make these songs feel as if they are being influenced by a traditional, more longstanding place of Puerto Rican culture. In contrast, songs such as “VOY A LLeVARTE PA PR” and “EoO” are much more influenced by modern reggaeton, with repetitive, thudding drum beats and synth melodies playing through each track. This style of music appears to take from a more current sound, and so the mix of styles present through this album looks to bring both the old and the new sounds of Puerto Rico together. Songs such as “PIToRRO DE COCO” and “DtMF” even combine the two together, the former of which starts off with a more synth-based modern sound, but incorporates more live drums and guitar partway through, and the latter of which brings in chaotic live background vocals in its chorus. Even in slower songs, such as “BOKeTE” and “TURiSTA,” the more electronic elements of production help to bring a melancholic backdrop to these songs that further elevates the emotion Bad Bunny is singing with, even if the listener does not understand the language. The instrumentation of certain songs also bring to mind a tropical atmosphere, most likely one reminiscent of the shores of Puerto Rico depicted in the album’s cover. The imagery of love and the beach described and depicted by the instrumental of “WLTiTA,” as well as the bright salsa instrumentals of “CAFé CON RON” and “LA MuDANZA” further develop this theme as well. The album’s creative blend of modern reggaeton with more traditional styles of Latin music helps to bring old and new types of music together, and further highlights Bad Bunny’s ability to wholly embrace the styles of his home country.

Lyrics: Bad Bunny’s lyrics throughout DeBÍ TiRAR MáS FOToS center around two general topics: songs of heartbreak, grief, and nostalgia over an ex or something lost, and songs of partying with homages celebrating his home country. An example of the former would be “EL CLúB,” where Bad Bunny depicts himself surrounded by partying and excitement in the club, but can only think of the love he has lost. Meanwhile, a standout example of the latter would be “VOY A LLeVARTE PA PR,” where Bad Bunny depict himself introducing a woman about introducing them to the pleasures and parties of Puerto Rico. These are the topics which most songs center around, but there are others that function more as statements on Puerto Rico and Puerto Rican culture. Within the album, the two songs that stood out to me as the most lyrically substantive are “LO QUE LE PASÓ A HAWAii” and “LA MuDANZA.” With the former, Bad Bunny expresses his concern for the future direction of Puerto Rico, mourning the possible loss of culture and family as he fears the country facing a similar fate of gentrification as he saw with Hawaii. “LA MuDANZA” is a much more upbeat track, where Bad Bunny asserts his Puerto Rican heritage and pays homage to his home country. The track itself is a celebration of Puerto Rico and of Bad Bunny’s own roots, as he makes a statement strongly asserting his identity and the prevalence of Puerto Rico’s native culture regardless of any obstacles. Throughout the album, though certain themes repeat between songs, Bad Bunny reflects on lost love and the culture of his home country, both of which make for an introspective, yet empowering, listen.

https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.0/ (Arturo E. de La Barrera)
Impact/Importance: Bad Bunny is still considered one of the biggest global pop stars working today. As such, the fact that his newest release focuses on honoring the culture of his home country of Puerto Rico is quite important. Though Bad Bunny working with reggaeton and styles of Latin music is nothing new, the thematic elements of the album, in both its lyrics and production, show him clearly paying homage to his home country in a unique way. Though many songs on this album are about love and nostalgia, many of them can be seen as a symbol of the singular culture of Puerto Rico, and his wish that it not disappear with modern times. Many of the love songs on the album can also can be seen as a nostalgia and a longing for the past of Puerto Rico, and for pieces of his culture that have since disappeared. “LO QUE LE PASÓ A HAWAii” is the most direct statement within the album, but as a whole, this album is important for its political commentary and firm support of an individual Puerto Rico. While arguments continue as to whether Puerto Rico should become a U.S. state, many have interpreted this album as a statement in favor of what Puerto Rico has to offer as a unique, singular nation, and in favor of the culture that has shaped it over decades. This album is Bad Bunny asserting himself as a representation of Puerto Rican culture in the mainstream, and of the permanence and strength of that culture in spite of any obstacles to take that culture away. As a whole, Bad Bunny’s DeBÍ TiRAR MáS FOToS stands strong as a defiant, enduring showcase of Puerto Rican culture, and an example of how, no matter what circumstances may come its way, it will always endure.
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