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Introducing the 2024 Homecoming Queen Court

See the candidates and hear from them about life at MHS!
Introducing the 2024 Homecoming Queen Court

Homecoming season is here, and what better way to spend it than learning about your Homecoming Queen Candidates? Cardinal Nation reached out to the Queen’s Court to ask them three main questions about themselves to help you get to know them better:

  • What is your favorite activity at MHS?
  • What are your plans for the future? (College/Beyond)
  • What is your advice for the underclassmen of MHS?

Congratulations are in order for the Homecoming Court! Here are the responses we got from each:

Lilli Bain

“One of my favorite activities here at MHS is the Ski/Snowboarding Club. My plans for the future is to pursue art and get a degree in Architecture. One piece of advice that I could give to the underclassmen is, time management is the key to success.”


Riley Corsaro

Layla Crum

“My favorite activity at MHS would be being in the marching band as a part of the color guard. I plan to go to college to become a pastry chef with a bachelor’s degree. If you want to do an activity or something you’re interested in do it now or you might miss your chance to do it in the future.”


Natalie DePoy

“My favorite activity at MHS has been participating in the Fighting Cardinal Marching Band as the trumpet section leader. My plans for the future are to go to college and major in environmental science then after graduation enter the police academy and become a police officer. My advice for underclassmen is ‘don’t fear failure so much that you refuse to try new things. You never wanna look back and say: could have, might have, should have.”‘


Madison Grice

“My favorite activity at MHS is being a member of the Fighting Cardinal Marching Band. I am one of the field commanders and this year of band has been my favorite so far. I am planning on going to college, but I am not sure what I will major in yet. I am currently thinking of taking a path to become an occupational therapist. My advice for underclassmen is to never hesitate to be kind. If you have something nice to say, say it! You never know who may need a smile.”


Olivia Martin

“My favorite activity at MHS is our preschool program and getting to be a part of their learning experience. In the future I would like to become a Ultrasound technician and attend Lake Erie collage to accomplish that. My advice for the underclassman at MHS is to don’t give up and keep trying.”


Teah McDonald

“My favorite activities from MHS were cross country and Sparkle Cheer. What I plan on in the future is getting a degree in business management then later becoming an entrepreneur. My advice is to put yourself in a position where you are uncomfortable/trying something new and that’s where you find the most growth.”


Emerson McIntyre

“At MHS I loved being involved all four years in Sparkle Cheerleading. It is an amazing group of young individuals who grow together and embraces everyone’s individuality! In the future I am currently planning to attend Ohio University to study child and family life development to become a Child Life Specialist or pediatric nurse. If I could give underclassmen any advice I would tell them to find your people and once you do make sure you keep them as close as possible. Finding and having good people in your life that will support you in everything you do was the core of my high school experience!”


Aleyha Speelman

“My favorite activity at MHS is cheerleading. I plan to go to ASU or some college out of state to major in radiology. My advice for the underclass is to make so many memories and enjoy every moment because it goes by fast.”


Sadie Stovall

“My favorite activity at MHS is playing volleyball with my best friends. In the future, I plan on going to college and majoring in marketing. My advice for an underclassman at MHS is to make as many friends as possible and hang out with all different people!”


The Homecoming Court photos were taken by Stephanie Mercer.

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