The Time Capsule Revealed!

Where is it? Cardinal Nation tells all!

After a year and a half of speculation and excited whispers, Cardinal Nation is thrilled to bring you the latest update on the mysterious time capsule hidden within the walls of Mentor High School. Cardinal Nation’s investigation from 2023 (!) teased its location, and we’re here to tell you the details you’ve all been waiting for.

Many of you followed the poetic clues and embarked on a quest, hoping to find this treasure. While the exact contents of the time capsule remain under wraps, we can now confirm that the capsule is safely housed within the Fine Arts Center of Mentor High School. As you step inside, just near the entrance, it lies tucked away, waiting for the right moment to be opened and its secrets revealed.

“Where the Presidents Watch Over You” (Loren Wandersleben)

Thirty years ago, the class that installed this time capsule hoped to leave a mark on the future. Their contribution symbolizes not only the past but a bridge connecting the generations of Mentor High students. We can only imagine what relics from the past were selected, what messages they left for us, and how life was during their time here.

The Main Entrance of the Fine Arts Center (Loren Wandersleben)

With the capsule’s precise location finally confirmed, the question remains: when will it be opened? Perhaps one day soon, the school will decide to unveil this hidden treasure, letting students peek into a world that existed decades before them. For now, however, the capsule remains sealed, keeping its mysteries intact for just a little while longer.

In the spirit of the original class, there’s already talk about continuing the tradition. Imagine a new time capsule, filled by today’s students, designed to represent our unique moment in history. The potential for this future project could create a legacy that will endure for another thirty years, offering future Cardinals a glimpse into who we were and what we valued most.

So, as you pass by the entrance to the Fine Arts Center, remember the legacy of those who came before you. And who knows—perhaps one day soon, you’ll be a part of a new time capsule, leaving your mark on Mentor High for generations to come!

The Inscription (Loren Wandersleben)