
How to stay positive and grateful this Thanksgiving

As we all know, Thanksgiving comes at the time of year when it gets cold and stress is higher because exams are right around the corner. This year, Mentor additionally faced the loss of beloved student Jack Sawyer. Jack spread the phrase “positive attitude changes everything,” or P.A.C.E., to celebrate what a positive attitude can add to our lives. Gratitude is important to our lives because it is a way of embracing everything that makes us and our lives what they are.

This Thanksgiving should not just be a reminder of the hardships you endure, but of the joy you get to experience. So here is what you can do to lift your mood this holiday season.

Start a JournalĀ 

When starting a journal, we recommend you write something every day. Mostly, these should be positive things that happen. They won’t always be tremendous things that occur. Often positive things in your day will be something like getting to see your pet when you get home. Regardless, even something small like this is important, because having these moments physically on paper has more impact than trying to think of positive things on the spot.

Don’t always overlook the bad things in your life

Typically, when people think of how to be happy, they assume they need to ignore what bad things they’ve been through. It is actually the opposite that works. When you overlook the bad memories, you forget how incredible it is that you could overcome those obstacles and improve to get to where you are now.

Share Your Gratitude for others

Gratitude (Julie Jordan Scott )

This is a practice you should do frequently because it can really brighten other people’s days. Also, it can strengthen relationships, so you should let people know when they do something you appreciate. This could be as simple as saying thank you or telling them why it made you happy.

Watch Uplifting Movies or Listen to Upbeat Music

When you can’t seem to lighten your mood, movies and music are a great way to feel better. Movies 13 Going on 30 andĀ Groundhog Day were chosen as some of the top feel-good movies. Also, many music apps like Spotify have upbeat playlists already made.

Other things you can do include:

  • Create a mood board from pictures of you and your friends or family
  • Get more sleep
  • Talk to someone new
  • Go for nature walks
  • Try to get more natural light or sit in the sun
  • Take a walk or exercise
  • Talk in a positive tone
  • Eat a balance of food (a mix of healthy and unhealthy food)
  • Volunteer
  • Make art, specifically that relates to your life
  • Read an inspirational book
  • Remember those who impacted your life
  • Play with your pet or get a pet
  • Decorate your room with colors to make you happy

We hope you take at least one of these things into consideration. Mentor wishes you a peaceful Thanksgiving and encourages you to share gratitude with your family.

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