From the Archives – Mentor Log (February 17, 1966)

Enjoy the musings of one of the Mentor Log’s columnists from the LBJ administration era

Mentor High School

Mr. Steve Couch, Advisor

Please enjoy this archived article from the old Mentor High School Log, one of the earlier incarnations of the Mentor High School student newspaper. Special thanks to Mr. Sanelli for finding these in an old bureau taken from the old Mentor High School Library during its renovation into the Hub. Also thanks to Mrs. Ford and the GenYes team for scanning and sharing the original article.

Back in the day, the Mentor Log would print student “mini editorials” on, well, just about anything. In this article, a columnist by the name of GRENDEL opined on a whole grab bag of things. Apparently a recent vocal pop concert led by Mr. Hieronymus got – well – SOME positive reviews! – Mr. Couch, Cardinal Nation Advisor

February 17, 1966

Most Monstrous

Concerts “In”; Long Hair “Out”


For those who missed the recent pop concert of the vocal music department: There will be another concert in May, but you still cheated yourself out of an evening of real entertainment. The way word is getting around about the quality of these vocal concerts. you may have to come early to get a seat at the next one. 

But we have another suggestion for those in charge. Why not have live music every morning in the dining room with breakfast? A low platform could be erected in the east end of the Student Center, and various combos, folksingers and other artists could entertain from about 7:45 to 8:10 a.m. 

Maybe the Student Council could establish a talent booking committee and even provide free juice and rolls for the musicians. We’ll wager that if such a plan were put into operation it would be more effective for getting the students into the dining room than the present hall patrols can be. 

Just in case anybody wants to take up the suggestion, we hereby nominate Ted Hieronymus and his Swinging Seven to open the series. This aggregation of male voices with the vocal music director strumming the bass was the big hit at the aforementioned pop concert. Skip Young handles the guitar and the rest of the gang are Phil Bailey, Tom Boles, Woody Eckenrod, Randy Elgin and Paul Hirst.

The Boys’ Glee Club received what might be called “mixed reviews” for their medley of songs of the sea. The audience liked the music. But a Navy recruiting officer in the crowd, after watching their deck-swabbing technique, rushed backstage to try to persuade them to enlist in the Colorado Air National Guard.


You get something started, and you just don’t know where it’s going to lead. The recent trend to the slashing of over long hair has now afflicted the LOG makeup editor, Nancy Barstow.


Spring is definitely on the way. We hear that some of the boys who aspire to the golf team have already been out on one of the elementary school playgrounds taking a few swings.


A word of commendation is in order for Coaches Ernie Horning and John Goodwin and their muscular gladiators. Considering the competition they faced, the team’s six-and-four record is a creditable one.

We hear there was an injury at the Wickliffe wrestling match not reported to the coach. The fellow taking pictures for the LOG got a sore leg muscle from too much crouching down on his heels.


We heard in the news the other day about an 84-year-old woman who just returned from Antarctica with a bunch of other tourists. And our parents expect us to get excited about trip to Lancaster, Pa., to see the relatives.


But speaking of new broadcasts, we heard one radio announcer last week refer to a well-known Congressional investigating committee as the “House Un-American Committee on Activities.” 


Word has it that Mr. and Miss Smiles will be contracted to do commercials for a new toothpaste “Blight White With BLT 39 PU23?.?; c-c.”


We hear a certain wrestling coach has been giving advice to one-half of a couple. Boys, you have until Saturday to ask that certain someone out, so that she’ll ask you to the Twerp Dance.