From the Archives – Mentor Log (September 11, 1975)
The PTA bought some cool stuff back in 1975.

March 28, 2023
Please enjoy this archived article from the old Mentor High School Log, one of the earlier incarnations of the Mentor High School student newspaper. Special thanks to Mr. Sanelli for finding these in an old bureau taken from the old Mentor High School Library during its renovation into the Hub. Also thanks to Mrs. Ford and the GenYes team for scanning and sharing the original article.
This story announces some exciting news for September 1975 – the PTA circus (an annual event that continued until 1998 – another interesting story) raised money that the school chose to spend on…well, you can read it yourself. But as someone who remembers the darkening shades that used to hang in the windows until our renovation in 2015, I think, I can attest that the 40-year shades by the time of their demise were pretty ugly. – Mr. Couch, Cardinal Nation Advisor
Funds Aid School

Hard work of students and faculty involved in last year’s annual PTA circus has paid off with the purchase of new darkening shades and much needed AV equipment this summer.
The shades, an attractive blue and green striped design, were chosen to replace the old plastic draperies because of their practicality. They were selected by a majority vote of MHS teachers and a PTA committee. The committee was called on to determine what was needed in shades, AV equipment, and other necessities. Screens for the windows of classrooms were also purchased for rooms needing them.
AV equipment, such as a new portable sound system has also been acquired to upgrade the AV program. The new sound system replaces an older, bulkier system. Microphones to be used in lecture halls and with TV equipment have been ordered also.
A portable color TV set was bought to be used in classrooms and lecture halls. Programs may be recorded in black and white from now installed equipment. To improve reception, an antenna was installed with a pickup in A-lecture.
“Hot carts,” the carts on which electrical equipment is used, were purchased along with a 16-mm film projector.
Some of the funds were also spent on an automatic cassette filmstrip projector for full-screen classroom use.
Another portion of the profits went to the electronics lab.
The purchases were made at the end of June.