ChatGPT: The New Challenge Facing Education At MHS

Zach Payne, Contributor

    ChatGPT, a large language model developed by OpenAI, has been making waves in the world of technology and education. However, at Mentor High School, administrators and students are beginning to see the negative effects that this advanced AI tool is having on their educational experience.

    ChatGPT is a machine learning model that has been trained on a massive amount of text data, allowing it to generate human-like responses to prompts. This technology has been utilized in various industries, such as customer service and writing assistance. Unfortunately, it has also found its way into the hands of high school students, who are using it to cheat on assignments and exams.

    “We’ve seen a significant increase in the number of students caught cheating since the use of ChatGPT became more prevalent,” said a school administrator, who wished to remain anonymous. “It’s an unfortunate reality that we’re facing, and it’s something that we’re working hard to combat.”

    One student, who also wished to remain anonymous, said, “It’s so easy to use ChatGPT to cheat. All you have to do is find the right prompt and you can get the answers to any assignment or test. It’s not fair to the students who are working hard and doing things the right way.”

    One of the major concerns that educators have with the use of ChatGPT for cheating is that it undermines the learning process. When students are able to easily cheat, they are not being challenged to think critically and develop their own understanding of the material. This can lead to a lack of engagement in class and a lack of progress in terms of learning and development. “The use of ChatGPT for cheating is not only detrimental to the learning process, but it also undermines the trust between teacher and student,” said a teacher who wished to remain anonymous. “As educators, our goal is to create an environment where students feel safe to express their ideas and take risks in their learning. When students resort to cheating, it undermines that trust and creates a barrier to learning.”

    Additionally, the use of ChatGPT for cheating can also perpetuate a culture of dishonesty and lack of accountability. When students are not held responsible for their own work, they may not learn the importance of honesty and integrity in their academic and professional lives.

    Furthermore, the use of ChatGPT can also have a negative impact on the student’s future. Cheating can lead to disciplinary action, such as being expelled, which can have a long-lasting effect on a student’s future, when applying for colleges or jobs.

    Mentor High School has implemented a number of measures to combat cheating, including stricter monitoring of online activity during exams and increased efforts to educate students on the importance of academic integrity. The school has also been working closely with other schools and organizations to share information and best practices on how to address this issue.

    In conclusion, ChatGPT has brought many benefits to our society, but it has also created new challenges for high school education. The school has been working hard to combat the negative effects of ChatGPT and to educate students on the importance of academic integrity. However, it is important for students to understand the consequences of cheating and to use the technology responsibly.

Advisor Note: this article was entirely generated by ChatGPT! Surprised? Learn how we did it: Turning ChatGPT Into Its Own Critic – Cardinal Nation comes clean on our last article