Introducing the Candidates for Homecoming King
Who will be crowned? Find out Friday at the Homecoming Assembly!
Mentor’s 2022 Homecoming King Candidates give us some insight into their life as Mentor students and their involvement in our community by telling us a little about themselves. They have also given their responses to five hard-hitting questions to truly dig deeper into who they are. Voting ends on October 5th, Seniors! Cast your vote in Infinite Campus under the survey tab in your message center.
Tony Pastore
At Mentor High School, Tony is involved in varsity football, track, Science Olympiad, and National Honor Society. Additionally, he extensively immerses himself in music by being the 3rd chair bassist in the Ohio Regional Orchestra, a 2-year double bass section leader in Mannheim and Symphony Orchestra, the only double bassist in the Ohio All-State band, a 10-year classically trained pianist, and a hobbying bass guitarist. Tony also enjoys helping the community, accumulating over 75 hours of community service.
Most Underrated Candy: Three Musketeers
Go-to Meal: Rigatoni with Alfredo sauce
The Best Number and Why: 64 because it is both a perfect square and a perfect cube
Do You Believe in Ghosts?: No
If You Were a Tree, What Tree Would You Be and Why?: I would be a scarlet oak tree because I prefer dry, acidic soils and am an important source of food for a host of wild songbirds and turkeys.
Owen Seech-Hrvatin
Owen is also a very musical person, being a member of Honors Wind Ensemble, Honors Symphony, Honors Mixed Chorus, Cleveland Youth Wind Symphony, and Drum Major for the Fighting Cardinal Marching Band. Additionally, Owen participates in Art Club and National Honors Society, hosts Improv Club, and is treasurer for Venture Crew 40.
Most Underrated Candy: The most underrated candy is Three Musketeers. They are so good and I could eat a ton of them but I constantly hear people hate on them.
Go-to Meal: My go-to meal is freezer mozzarella sticks from Costco. I throw a couple of those bad boys in the air fryer and that’s what I call a good time.
The Best Number and Why: The best number is 13 because it’s my birthday, it looks good, and it is unlucky.
Do You Believe in Ghosts?: I really wish I could believe in ghosts because they are so cool to me but I just think it’s very unlikely that they are real. I love the idea of ghosts so much but I just don’t believe.
If You Were a Tree, What Tree Would You Be and Why?: If I was a tree I would like to be a willow because they are so cool and they grow really big so they provide a lot of shade for people. I used to have a willow tree in my front yard that was bigger than my house until it was struck by lightning and split into 3 parts. Now my room is super hot all the time because I no longer have any shade on my house.
Doug Slovenkay
At Mentor, Doug is musically involved in Top 25 and Mixed Chorus. He is also President of Mentor Theatre. Outside of music, Doug is actively involved in Improv Club, Speech and Debate, and Cardinal Nation, and is Vice President of National Honor Society.
Most Underrated Candy: Heath Bars
Go-to Meal: Mac and Cheese and hot sauce
The Best Number and Why: 9, it has a nice ring to it
Do You Believe in Ghosts?: I do. I’ve heard enough ghost stories in my day to buy into their reality
If You Were a Tree, What Tree Would You Be and Why?: To answer this question, I took a quiz on and my result was an apple tree!
Kyle Martin
Kyle spends most of his time being physically involved as he enjoys rock climbing, hiking, sports, and the outdoors. At Mentor High, he is captain of the rugby team, part of the FCMB Drumline, and in the CTE EMT program. Kyle is interested in pursuing a career in sports medicine.
Most Underrated Candy: Mike and Ikes
Go-to Meal: Homemade Sausage Gravy and Biscuits
The Best Number and Why: The best number is 10 because it just is
Do You Believe in Ghosts?: Yes
If You Were a Tree, What Tree Would You Be and Why?: I would be a black birch because they are really cool and so am I
Donovan Rinderle
Donovan enjoys playing Rugby for Mentor and does taekwondo at Mento ATA in his free time. In the future, Donovan plans to major in engineering at a 4-year university.
Most Underrated Candy: Runts
Go-to Meal: Chili with hard-boiled eggs
The Best Number and Why: 8 because its infinity if you rotate it 90 degrees
Do You Believe in Ghosts?: No
If You Were a Tree, What Tree Would You Be and Why?: I would be a pine tree because I’m there year-round
Michael Petrovic
At Mentor, Michael has competed on the Cross Country and track teams thought his whole high school career and has competed at states 5 times. He also has had a very positive experience working at the local shoe store Second Sole outside of school. Additionally, he loves passing the time with his friends in any way that he can. Michael says he truly has a passion for running and enjoys it in school as well as in his free time.
Most Underrated Candy: The most underrated candy is Take 5. It’s so mistreated and doesn’t get the respect it deserves.
Go-to Meal: Go-to meals are always tacos. It’s old reliable and can’t be messed up
The Best Number and Why: The best number is 18. It just looks like a cool number and when I played sports that was always the go-to.
Do You Believe in Ghosts?: I do believe in ghosts. I think there’s gotta be a way doors shut out of nowhere. It just can’t be the wind
If You Were a Tree, What Tree Would You Be and Why?: If I could be any tree, I would be redwood because it’s tall
Nick Seifert
Nick is involved in Top 25, is Vice President of Mentor Theatre, a squad leader of FCMB, and Co-host of Improv Club. One of Nick’s proudest accomplishments at Mentor High is making it to state regionals in a business competition.
Most Underrated Candy: The most underrated candy is called “snow caps.” They are mint dark chocolate with minty sprinkles.
Go-to Meal: My go-to meal is called “Pastina.” They are little pasta balls that are cooked in chicken broth and served with melted butter and cheese.
The Best Number and Why: The best number is 4 because it revolves around so many things in my life.
Do You Believe in Ghosts?: I don’t believe in ghosts, but I will if I have to watch the conjuring again.
If You Were a Tree, What Tree Would You Be and Why?: I would be a pine tree because I love the cold and I would never lose my leaves.
Kyle Ott
Kyle’s favorite part of Mentor High was being involved in the 2021-22 district-winning basketball team and he plans to major in biology or psychology at a 4-year college.
Most Underrated Candy: The most underrated candy is sweet-tart ropes.
Go-to Meal: My go-to meal is definitely spaghetti and meatballs.
The Best Number and Why: The best number is 35. I don’t really have a reason, but its the number I wore for almost every sport, so it has a soft spot to me.
Do You Believe in Ghosts?: I do not believe in ghosts. I feel like if they were real, we wouldn’t have to question their existence.
If You Were a Tree, What Tree Would You Be and Why?: If I was a tree, I’d be a peach tree because I like peach-flavored things
Brandon Dwyer
Brandon enjoys playing on Mentor High’s lacrosse team and wants to live life to the fullest.
Most Underrated Candy: Peanut M&M’s
Go-to Meal: PB&J
The Best Number and Why: 3 because it is spelled like “tree” and it’s cool
Do You Believe in Ghosts?: Nah.
If You Were a Tree, What Tree Would You Be and Why?: California redwood because they are tall.
Still undecided? Click here to read a little bit more about what the candidates enjoy at Mentor High, their future goals, and their advice for underclassmen.

Teresa Morek is a member of the Class of 2023 at Mentor High School who enjoys staying involved in school life, active in Mentor Theatere, National Honor...