Staff Profiles – Mrs. Siskind

Meet Mrs. Siskind of the Home Economics Department!

Mr. Steve Couch, Advisor

Name: Mrs. Katie Siskind

Subjects: Career & College Readiness, Teen Living, & Parenting and Child Development

Cardinal Nation: How long have you been teaching? And where?

Mrs. Siskind: Twenty-one years, all but one year in Mentor. One year in Ashland, Ohio.

Cardinal Nation: Why did you become a teacher?

Mrs. Siskind: I enjoy working with kids & I am passionate about helping others find success.

Cardinal Nation: What can you tell us about your family?

Mrs. Siskind: I’m married to Michael and we have one daughter (Kenzee). We also have four cats, one dog, and a bearded dragon.

Cardinal Nation: What are some of your hobbies?

Mrs. Siskind: Reading!!! Collecting beach glass on Lake Erie shores and paper crafting.

Cardinal Nation: What is your favorite story of you in high school?

Mrs. Siskind: Any Friday nights with marching band as part of the Flag Corps.

Cardinal Nation: What’s the best advice you’ve been given or that you can share?

Mrs. Siskind: Always pause … because there is much more to your life than this single moment.