Ring! Ring! Meet the Mentor Alum Working Her Way Up in Columbus

If you read or hear any statements from Democratic legislators in Columbus, chances are that their statements were in part guided by MHS grad Maya Majikas


Maya Majikas, MHS graduate, is now a mover and shaker in Columbus, working within the state legislature.

Teresa Morek, Contributor

With all of the opportunities available at Mentor High School, it’s no wonder there are so many successful and influential alumni. One of these great minds is Maya Majikas, a graduate of The John Glenn College of Public Affairs and an advocate of universal suffrage.

Cardinal Nation first reached out to Majikas for help with our series The Fight Over Education in Ohio, but we quickly found that her success is worthy of its own recognition. Maya Majikas agreed to answer some questions about her career and her experience at Mentor High. The questions and her responses are as follows:

Cardinal Nation: What does your job entail, exactly? How did you get it? 

Majikas: I’m the Acting Director of Communications for the Ohio House Democrats, so I manage and develop communication and outreach strategies for the 35 members of the Democratic caucus. I originally started out as an intern for a state representative in college, and I gradually worked my way up over the last four years to my current position.

Cardinal Nation: Why did you decide to pursue this career? Is this what you want to do forever?

Majikas: I decided to pursue this career because I am passionate about making government more inclusive and ensuring that it works for the people it is supposed to serve. I love my job, but I don’t want to limit myself to just political communications. I eventually would like to become a civil rights lawyer.

Cardinal Nation: What are the issues that you care about, and how do you think you are making a difference on those things? 

Majikas: I’m passionate about protecting civil rights, especially voting and women’s rights. Everyone should have a voice in their government, and the freedom to vote allows citizens to make their voices heard on the issues that matter to them. Right now, I am working a lot on redistricting, which is the process of drawing the electoral districts that Ohioans will use to vote over the next ten years. Redistricting is inextricably linked to the ability to vote, so I’m working to draw fair maps that best reflect the political preferences of voters. Better representation means better government for all!

Maya Majikas was a scholarship winner in college and has always been passionate for civic issues.

Cardinal Nation: Do you think Mentor High thoroughly prepared you for your future?

Majikas: Definitely. Mentor High taught me how to be a strong writer and a critical thinker, two incredibly valuable skills that I use in my work every single day.

Cardinal Nation: What do you wish you knew as a Mentor High student that you know now?

Majikas: I wish I knew not to put so much pressure on myself academically. Getting a good education is important, but it goes beyond just grades. Take advantage of opportunities to do things that you enjoy that aren’t necessarily academic-based. If you do, you’ll be more well-rounded and more prepared for the future.

Cardinal Nation: What was your favorite or most memorable part about attending Mentor High? (class, teacher, event)

Majikas: I really enjoyed Senior Cookout because it was a perfect way to spend the last few days of high school with all my friends before we went off in different directions. I was also on the lacrosse team, so I have a lot of fun memories from that time, including pasta parties, traveling to tournaments, and playing important games.