Staff Profile – Mrs. Rhodes

Meet Mrs. Rhodes of the Guidance Department!

Mr. Steve Couch, Advisor

Name: Miranda Rhodes

Role: School Counselor

Cardinal Nation: How long have you been in education? And where?

Mrs. Rhodes: Twelve years, all at Mentor High.

Cardinal Nation: Why did you become a counselor?

Mrs. Rhodes: I became a school counselor because I enjoy working with students and hope to provide another source of support in their school life. There are plenty of ups and downs during the high school years, and I want students to know they always have someone that is there to listen and help them through, no matter how big or small the issue at hand may seem to anyone else.

Cardinal Nation: What can you tell us about your family?

Mrs. Rhodes: I have been happily married for nine years and have two children. We also recently added a puppy to our growing pet family, which also includes two cats, two fish and a tortoise!

Cardinal Nation: What are some of your hobbies? 

Mrs. Rhodes: Outside of school, I enjoy traveling, listening to music, hiking, and spending time with friends and family.

Cardinal Nation: What is your favorite story of you in high school?

Mrs. Rhodes: Some of my favorite memories from high school were our school dances, the Friday night games and touring Europe with our world language group.

Cardinal Nation: What are some of your obsessives?

Mrs. Rhodes: My obsessives. That is a weird question! I guess I would say going to see live music, being outside in nature (when the weather cooperates!)

Cardinal Nation: What’s the best advice you’ve been given or that you can share?

Mrs. Rhodes: It is never too late to do the next right thing.