Staff Profile – Mrs. Magrans

Meet Mrs. Magrans of the Foreign Language Department!

Mr. Steve Couch, Advisor

Name: Mrs. Magrans

Subject: Spanish

Cardinal Nation: How long have you been teaching? And where?

Mrs. Magrans: Seventeen years in the Mentor Schools.

Cardinal Nation: Why did you become a teacher?

Mrs. Magrans: When I was a child I would play school often with my dolls and my friends. I have always had the desire to teach what I know, but – better yet – to learn from others what I don’t know.

Cardinal Nation: What can you tell us about your family?

Mrs. Magrans: Married to a 30-year Army/Coast Guard Veteran for 41 years. Raised four daughters. Now adopted and raising another precious daughter. Grandmother of eight and one more due this July!

Cardinal Nation: What are some of your hobbies?

Mrs. Magrans: Crafting, reading, leisure biking.

Cardinal Nation: What is your favorite story of you in high school?

Mrs. Magrans: I enjoyed being the co-captain of the pep squad team, which was a larger cheerleading group of students. 

Cardinal Nation: What are some of your obsessives?

Mrs. Magrans: Theater, Spanish music, spending quality time with my daughters and husband.

Cardinal Nation: Do you have any hidden talents that might surprise people?

Mrs. Magrans: I practiced and taught Judo for 20 years. Reached 2nd degree black belt.

Cardinal Nation: What’s the best advice you’ve been given or that you can share?

Mrs. Magrans: It’s not intelligence that will get you where you want to go, it’s persistence!
