Staff Profile – Mrs. Valentic

Meet Mrs. Valentic from the English Department!

Mr. Steve Couch, Advisor

Name: Kathleen Valentic 

Subject: Honors 9 English

Cardinal Nation: How long have you been teaching? And where?

Mrs. Valentic: 21 years. Ten at Memorial and eleven at MHS

Cardinal Nation: Why did you become a teacher?

Mrs. Valentic: I’d rather work with kids than adults!

Cardinal Nation: What can you tell us about your family? 

Mrs. Valentic: I have been married to my husband Ivan for 19 years, and I have three kids. Kaitlyn is 15, Hanna is 12, and Jack is 10.

Cardinal Nation: What are some of your hobbies?

Mrs. Valentic: I love watching my kids play their sports. That takes most of my time! We are a soccer, track, basketball, baseball, and football family. I also love going to professional and collegiate sporting events.

Cardinal Nation: What are some of your obsessives?

Mrs. Valentic: My favorite sitcom is “Roseanne,” and I watch at least one episode of the show per day.

Cardinal Nation: Do you have any hidden talents that might surprise people?

Mrs. Valentic: I’m a pretty good singer.

Cardinal Nation: What’s the best advice you’ve been given or that you can share?

Mrs. Valentic: Don’t let an idiot ruin your day.